Breathing exercise
“the exhalation traveling away from you
and the inhalation coming towards you
each create a ripple
the sensation is pleasant
as you breath in
as you breath out
a wave goes through
the inside of the body...
go with it”
Starting easy and fun with a simple breathing exercise.
These are good for your mental, your lungs and your lines.
Lets start by practicing breathing at a certain rhythm.
Count 5 seconds inhale, and 5 seconds exhale.
Send each inhale / exhale to a different finger in your hands as a way to count till 10.
This also wakes up your fingers, which is always a good idea when we about to draw.
Stand next to your table. Its easier breathing deep when standing. place your brush or pencil on your paper and let your inhale take the line with it. count five seconds when doing so. when starting to exhale pivot the direction of the line. let the exhale carry the line down 5 sec. repeat.
use the same paper 5 to 15 times, depending on its size. use few papers to create few cycles. Repeat for few days to start feeling the full effect. soon enough you wont be able to pass a day without it
- Sandra Sabatini