PewDiePie & Socrates

If you are raising a teen you must have heard of this guy PewDiePie, He has more than 90 millions followers on YouTube and considered by his fans as a culture hero/ gamer / meme reviewer / an original creator and a celeb / artist.


I am not sure what made this oxymoron happened but here PDP charming his way through the republic by Socrates, written by Plato.

And why should you listen?

One of the ideas discussed in this book is that philosophers are happier because they are all about the truth.

What is the truth? I know I am extremely interested in how things are. how systems work. what works what doesn’t work. expression and impact. Is that the truth?

Looking at the art world we are such a living example of how each has his own truth and each argues that is the official truth.

So can one be interested in “D” truth or its forever a personal context truth?