Eve Aschheim

thank you L for your recommendation
i really love her work:


Letter from BERLIN

Eve Aschheim
Galerie Inga Kondeyne, Berlin
August 28 – September 27, 2009

When Stefan Wolpe (1902-1972) began “Battle Piece” in 1942, it was to have been the first of a series of works for solo piano titled “Encouragements,” intended as a composer’s contribution to the struggle against Fascism; part of the genre Kampfmusik that had earlier included chamber operas, theatre music, and agitprop songs. The composition not only addressed the social and political struggles of the day, but also a desire to transform disparate musical idioms into a subjective communication of personal experience. The complex, multi-part structure of “Battle Piece” that finally emerged in 1947 is characterized not only by thematic repetitions but also by a sense that the music continuously seeks to discover itself rather than express a previously well-articulated premise. His music is a philosophy, a two-way street connecting communal and solitary modes of being at the junction of their interrelation. As this is music, the philosophy is an abstraction, not a description.
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rupert hartley #2

here is a link to Studio Notes, a web log showing ongoing photo documentation of rupert`s studio practice.

Studio Notes is a continuation of working processes initiated during his residency at the Centre for Drawing Project Space at Wimbledon College of Art (2009).
During this time under the supervision of Avis Newman and through participation in PHD and MA programmes at Wimbledon he established new ways of making and showing work.

As from September 2010 he have been working from Sara Lane studios, 60 Hanway St. Hoxton, London
This blog starts from January 2011 and is updated weekly, simply click on and scroll down to view previous entries.


Cloud Management Fergus Feehily 2006

The rain gently strikes the window as early evening arrives. I roll down the shutter on the outside of the window, hoping, as usual, that it doesn’t jam, and stop mid flow. In the middle or near middle of the outside of this shutter, pale grey in colour, someone has written in magic marker, ‘hard to stop’. Nearby, on the pavement, someone else, or for that matter the same person has chosen to spray in a lime green spray, ‘alone’. One day I walked outside to find a small sparrow, lying dead, feet up just below this green word. Alone.
I walk down the hall to the kitchen and past a pile of books that I have been reading over the last while. Sitting near each other, implausibly, a study of Black Metal, ’Lords of Chaos’ where anthropology and Burzum meet, and Daniel Dennett’s ‘Darwin’s Dangerous Idea’. One about death, one about the origins of life.
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Pierrette Bloch Retrospective at Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris

Last week, the Karsten Greve Gallery in Paris opened an exhibition of the work of the French artist Pierrette Bloch. Pierrette Bloch is considered as one of the most renowned French Post-War Abstract artists. The solo show presents different stages of the artist’s work in the form of a retrospective starting with works done in the 1950′s and continung up until the present day.

Pierrette Bloch’s work is characterized by the use of poor materials and reduced motifs. She works with collages, ink on paper, hardboard, rope and horsehair. Her favorite forms of reference are dots, lines and hyphens.

After working with thick textured oil paint, in 1952 Pierrette Bloch began working with collages. Since 1971 she has also been working with China ink on paper. In 1973 she produced her first large hair mesh while continuing ink drawings with dots on paper. Around 1984 Pierrette Bloch began working with horsehair sculpture.

Pierrette Bloch’s work belongs to numerous private and public collections such as the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; and the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.

Pierrette Bloch at Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris. Opening reception, January 8, 2011.
