Paul Pagk @ Some Walls / press release

Some Walls is pleased to present "Drawings from the Series: The Mequite Drawings" by New York artist Paul Pagk April 9, 2010 – May 29, 2010.

At Paul Pagk’s New York studio in September 2010 we spent a good amount of time looking at and talking about several large, complex, impressive paintings. It was a wonderful visit. Shortly before I left he began pulling out boxes, stacks, and piles of drawings in various media and different sizes; it was an amazing sight. Among these were The Mesquite Drawings, about which Pagk says, "I made these drawings and others in two drawing pads during and after my visit to Marfa and the Chinati Mountains." From this visit a plan was hatched to bring a selection of Pagk’s drawings to Some Walls in Oakland.

Eighteen drawings are hung close together in a three-row, six-column grid. Each are 14 x 17 inches, made with graphite, crayon, oil pastel, and watercolor. These drawings not only demonstrate how Pagk thinks through and develops motifs for his painting, but also deserve examination and appreciation as finished works themselves. Line and form move between architectural and organic, emanating light and air. His imaginative structures and varied spaces tweak perspective and hint at intimate and surreal experience. They bring to mind Bachelard’s favorite images in The Poetics of Space—houses, cellars, huts, drawers, nests, corners, and human bodies—and we how subjectively experience these spaces. Joan Ockman says in her review of Bachelard’s book, "…space is the abode of human consciousness." Bachelard writes, "I should say: the house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace."