
Its been a while since I looked at sister corita’s . sometimes I miss her and I go back for advice. she never fails. here is rule seven out of the famous list she made for her students, that later became the LA art campus list, than populated by John Cage and known for being hanged at Merce Cunningham studio.

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Change is Banana

I discovered change late in life. I managed all the way up to 40 yesrs old not notiving it was the basic constant. since, I see just that. Pema Chodron says life changes all the time and if you dont believe it just look out the window, or at the mirror.

How does this is helping us now? resisting change brings suffering thats just how it is. the fastest we let go and move on the less we suffer so it seems. how can we apply this to here and now?

Art yifat gat / model sara gat / photos julia gat

My Sara says change is Banana, basically she means ok mom, I got it.

Not only Im all for change is Banana, I actually think it should have been the title of this coloring book.

Oh well, next time. In the mean time enjoy this free PDF version down here

If you know someone with a kid pass it on.

If you actually get around to coloring it, please send me pics, I would love to see those…

Take care

much love


Corona coloring book


This hybrid between catalog and coloring book was born during corona days. Julia and Sara came knocking on my studio door. Julia had a camera in her hand and I had just finished this series of works. We went outside and I said, you know what, there is still some light. As Julia was taking Sara's pictures the white background of the works seems like papers to me and i thought this could be a coloring book. I love coloring books. I should have lead with that. They are one of my childhood sweet memories. My favourite school activity …