LOOK&LISTEN is a french association, aiming to make the artistic process visible, accessible and meaningful to different publics, through means of research, production and publication.
LOOK&LISTEN is an art blog that spreads into real life activity. a reverse action, based on the notion of research, exchange and collaboration are primary tools for creating a meaningful artistic environment.
LOOK&LISTEN is a physical space that mixes STUDIO, GALLERY & WORKSHOPS into one environment.
Association Members :
+ president / Pascal Nataf
+ Secretary / Isabelle gonzalez
+ treasury / Béatrice Beha
+ Artistic director / Yifat Gat
the LOOK&LISTEN space is located at the entrance to the ancient 'La poudrerie Royale' park in Saint-Chamas.
St-Chamas is a small fisherman village at the northern part of the 'l'étang de Berre' lake, in Provence. located between Aix, Marseille, Arles a Avignon. 25 min from the MP airport, or by TGV to Miramas.
the space is open every saturday from 10:00-20:00
or by appointment.
7 Rue Augustre Fabre
Saint Chamas 13250. France.
for more details, contact: lookalisten@gmail.com
à l’unité 15€
Carte de 10 cours 120€ (12€ le cours)
Carte de 25 cours 250€ (10€ le cours)
*Une série de cours avec des artistes invités seront annoncés séparément
Contact pour inscriptions et renseignements
d'Yifat Gat propose
de Dessin / Peinture
Ados, Enfants
les samedis après-midi
Carte de 10 cours 120€ (12€ le cours)
Carte de 25 cours 250€ (10€ le cours)
*Une série de cours avec des artistes invités seront annoncés séparément
Augustre Fabre. Saint Chamas 13250.
Contact pour inscriptions et renseignements
Schermesser -
Drawing / Painting classes are held every Saturday afternoon. A Series
of workshops with guest artists will be announced separately.
for more details : lookalisten@gmail.com
the LOOK&LISTEN blog will be edited into a yearly printed publication.
for more details, contact : lookalisten@gmail.com
LOOK&LISTEN propose a marriage of the Artistic and the Business environment.
hand tailored programs to fit the needs of each partner, the LOOK&LISTEN Archive of knowledge, information and experience is here to create a win win situation for all sides.
+ refreshing employers work experience,
+ building your public image
+ serving for tax purposes
through workshops, site specific installations, wall works, FMR or permanent exhibition ,action in the community or simply building the company collection.
LOOK&LISTEN is here to listen to your artistic needs.
Exposition Space
LOOK&LISTEN exhibition space hosts curatorial projects, highlighting the link between the local and international artists communities.
The gallery space is open every Saturday from 10:00-20:00 or by appointment
Curatorial Projects Archive :
Curatorial Projects Archive :
for more details : lookalisten@gmail.com
the LOOK&LISTEN blog will be edited into a yearly printed publication.
for more details, contact : lookalisten@gmail.com
LOOK&LISTEN propose a marriage of the Artistic and the Business environment.
hand tailored programs to fit the needs of each partner, the LOOK&LISTEN Archive of knowledge, information and experience is here to create a win win situation for all sides.
+ refreshing employers work experience,
+ building your public image
+ serving for tax purposes
through workshops, site specific installations, wall works, FMR or permanent exhibition ,action in the community or simply building the company collection.
LOOK&LISTEN is here to listen to your artistic needs.