Salon du dessin 2014 Paris

my discovery of the fair : Andrea Heller

Ernesto Ballesteros

Lucie Beppler


Per Kirkeby

Thomas Mueller

Pius Fox

Paul Pagk

Corinne Laroche

Jill Baroff

Imi Knoebel

Valerie du Chene

Vncent Broquaire

Frank Badur

Thomas Vinson

Cornard Meier

Pierre Buraglio

Claude Closky



LOOK&LISTEN is a french association, aiming to make the artistic process visible, accessible and meaningful to different publics, through means of research, production and publication.

LOOK&LISTEN is an art blog that spreads into real life activity. a reverse action, based on the notion of research, exchange and collaboration are primary tools for creating a meaningful artistic environment. 

LOOK&LISTEN is a physical space that mixes STUDIO, GALLERY & WORKSHOPS into one environment.

Association Members :

+ president / Pascal Nataf
+ Secretary / Isabelle gonzalez
+ treasury / Béatrice Beha

+ Artistic director / Yifat Gat
+ Administrative director / Manon Derot
+ Workshop Director / Caroline Schermesser


the LOOK&LISTEN space is located at the entrance to the ancient 'La poudrerie Royale' park in Saint-Chamas.

St-Chamas is a small fisherman village at the northern part of the 'l'étang de Berre' lake, in Provence. located between Aix, Marseille, Arles a Avignon. 25 min from the MP airport, or by TGV to Miramas. 

the space is open every saturday from 10:00-20:00 
or by appointment.  

 7 Rue Augustre Fabre
Saint Chamas 13250. France.

for more details, contact:



Atelier d'Yifat Gat propose 
Cours de Dessin / Peinture
Adultes, Ados, Enfants

tous les samedis après-midi

Cours à l’unité 15€
Carte de 10 cours 120€ (12€ le cours)
Carte de 25 cours 250€ (10€ le cours)

*Une série de cours avec des artistes invités seront annoncés séparément

La POUDRERIE 7 Rue Augustre Fabre. Saint Chamas 13250. France.

Contact pour inscriptions et renseignements

Caroline Schermesser -

Ongoing Drawing / Painting classes are held every Saturday afternoon. A Series of workshops with guest artists will be announced separately.


Exposition Space

LOOK&LISTEN exhibition space hosts curatorial projects, highlighting the link between the local and international artists communities. 

The gallery space is open every Saturday from 10:00-20:00 or by appointment 

Curatorial Projects Archive :
2013 - Emergence (Collaboration)
2012 - Five


for more details : 



the LOOK&LISTEN blog will be edited into a yearly printed publication.

for more details, contact :



LOOK&LISTEN propose a marriage of the Artistic and the Business environment.

hand tailored programs to fit the needs of each partner, the LOOK&LISTEN Archive of knowledge, information and experience is here to create a win win situation for all sides.

+ refreshing employers work experience,
+ building your public image
+ serving for tax purposes

through workshops, site specific installations, wall works, FMR or permanent exhibition ,action in the community or simply building the company collection.

LOOK&LISTEN is here to listen to your artistic needs.




Atelier d'Yifat Gat propose 
Cours de Dessin / Peinture
Adultes, Ados, Enfants

tous les samedis après-midi

Cours à l’unité 15€
Carte de 10 cours 120€ (12€ le cours)
Carte de 25 cours 250€ (10€ le cours)

*Une série de cours avec des artistes invités seront annoncés séparément

La POUDRERIE 7 Rue Augustre Fabre. Saint Chamas 13250. France.

Contact pour inscriptions et renseignements

Caroline Schermesser -

Ongoing Drawing / Painting classes are held every Saturday afternoon. A Series of workshops with guest artists will be announced separately.


LOOK&LISTEN propose a marriage of the Artistic and the Business environment.

hand tailored programs to fit the needs of each partner, the LOOK&LISTEN Archive of knowledge, information and experience is here to create a win win situation for all sides.

+ refreshing employers work experience,
+ building your public image
+ serving for tax purposes

through workshops, site specific installations, wall works, FMR or permanent exhibition ,action in the community or simply building the company collection.

LOOK&LISTEN is here to listen to your artistic needs.


LOOK&LISTEN exhibition space hosts curatorial projects, highlighting the link between the local and international artists communities. 

The gallery space is open every Saturday from 10:00-20:00 or by appointment 

Curatorial Projects Archive :
2013 - Emergence (Collaboration)
2012 - Five


for more details :


the LOOK&LISTEN blog will be edited into a yearly printed publication.

for more details, contact :