So many things in our society are practices, cost nothing but need self discipline.
Practice not a product
I love books. Together with coffee and painting, they are one of the main three I cannot do without.
I spent hours in front of my grandfather's book wall. I guess he could be blamed for mine. In high school, my teacher used to send me to the library if he caught me drawing in my notebook as punishment. After a while, his morning class greeting began with, "Good morning everyone, Yifat- go to the library." I am grateful, I received the best education ever in there.
As J.K. Rowling said, “When in doubt, go to the library." I still send my self to the library whenever I need to understand what I’m doing… Here are my humble attempts, All blurb books, so you are being directed to their site for preview and check out.
Breathing exercises
I was listening to the iceman advice about breathing exercises.
I found it to be so effective and so much fun that i wanted to bring it to the studio.
It came out to be a great repetition and variation game.
Here is how:
Breathing 5 seconds in and 5 seconds out, while drawing a line.
Repeat the breathing 10 to 15 times per paper.
Only change the direction of the line when switching from inhale to exhale.
This is simple and fun. few days in I feel the effect on my breathing
Its good for you, I hope you try it over the weekend !
Take care
I draw. You draw. They draw. We all draw.
Drawing is returning back to basics, like a reset button. It is a way to return to the intimate world of childhood, thoughts, ideas and emotions. In an overwhelming and complicated world, Drawing is a moment of simplicity. Outrageous or refined, funny or heartbreaking, drawing is the Netflix of our soul without subscription fees.
A drawing practice can bring moments of magic, freedom and humanity. It can help recharge, meditate, research, plan, remember, empower, communicate, celebrate and inspire.
Anyone can draw. There is no failure in drawing. Drawing is a personal act. A practice, like taking a shower, everyday we need a new one.
Drawing is a safe place. No one hacks our notebooks or sells our data. There is no hidden agenda. Our notebooks never run out of battery and we don't need 1000 euros to get a new one. Drawing is a timeless moment between you, yourself, other people and the universe. It’s yours.
Its been a while since I looked at sister corita’s . sometimes I miss her and I go back for advice. she never fails. here is rule seven out of the famous list she made for her students, that later became the LA art campus list, than populated by John Cage and known for being hanged at Merce Cunningham studio.
In his conversation with Jordan Peterson, Russell Brand mentioned this sentence by Albert Maysles, a film director.
It reminded me of the Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 2009 Ted talk : The danger of a single story
I see allot of this binary thinking going around. As if we are bundles of yes and no. Feels like there is an hierarchy of tag line over the conversational structure. Which in his turn is the answer to all the problems because proper conversation can include multitudes of legit narratives, where dominance structure wants one line story with a note. same as school notes.
Fast forward to today’s paranoia. Isn’t that what scares us about being chipped? to be reduced to a list of facts, nuanceless…
Don't push
Petra from Barcelona asked me to share some of my unschooling experience that may be useful for Corona time. My kids are bigger now, 13-23 years old, but my process has been the same over the years and Im happy with the results so Im willing to share.
Obviously these are unusual times so zoom it or put a mask on it but the big picture should be the same :
0-7 years old: focus on welcoming the child to the world. Making the beginning of a kid’s life as happy as possible is simple common sense. Children grow up to be independent adults out of being cuddled and supported. Having an independent child is just the best long term investment a parent can make, so allow yourself to be egoistic and enjoy these magical years with lots of quality time: Joy, playfulness, imagination, taking time to explore and wonder, hugs, reassurance, making a mess, story-telling, “comfy time”, spending energy, kitchen experiments, costume corner, living-room parties, popcorn movie-nights, family sleepovers, etc.
7-14 years old: Establish a weekly system with personal projects, exterior activities, and social life. it’s time to start fixing some kind of a curriculum. Based entirely on your kids talent and curiosity, within reason and budget of course. There is no logic in dictating content - instead, focus on providing tools. The more your kids are in love with the subject matter, the better they will apply themselves. That simple. Trust your child. This approach creates a learning mechanism within them that can later be applied to the ever-changing needs of their future lives.
14-21 years old: look for ways to professionalise the child’s main interests, to enhance various life skills, and open an honest conversation about sexuality and relationships.
Overall, within this loose yet fixed grid, children find their way and become happy, independent adults around the age of 21; some sooner, some later.
This is a very brief explanation of our Unschooling process, I hope it makes sense to the parents amongst you, and thank you again Petra for asking.
The image above is from “Don’t Push - 10 Lessons from Giving 5 Births”, a self-published Blurb book I am currently working on.
Tracing is fun; it turned out to be my main activity during this confinement time, using Wacom Stylus and Adobe PhotoShop.
What are you working on?
Change is Banana
I discovered change late in life. I managed all the way up to 40 yesrs old not notiving it was the basic constant. since, I see just that. Pema Chodron says life changes all the time and if you dont believe it just look out the window, or at the mirror.
How does this is helping us now? resisting change brings suffering thats just how it is. the fastest we let go and move on the less we suffer so it seems. how can we apply this to here and now?
Art yifat gat / model sara gat / photos julia gat
My Sara says change is Banana, basically she means ok mom, I got it.
Not only Im all for change is Banana, I actually think it should have been the title of this coloring book.
Oh well, next time. In the mean time enjoy this free PDF version down here
If you know someone with a kid pass it on.
If you actually get around to coloring it, please send me pics, I would love to see those…
Take care
much love
Corona coloring book
This hybrid between catalog and coloring book was born during corona days. Julia and Sara came knocking on my studio door. Julia had a camera in her hand and I had just finished this series of works. We went outside and I said, you know what, there is still some light. As Julia was taking Sara's pictures the white background of the works seems like papers to me and i thought this could be a coloring book. I love coloring books. I should have lead with that. They are one of my childhood sweet memories. My favourite school activity …